Sunday, March 2, 2008


Proportionofblu is a new denim brand that's taking the denim market by storm. In the words of the designer:

At the core of every Proportionofblu creation lies the Golden Ratio; a naturally reoccurring sequence of measurements and patterns found in the very building blocks of all life. From the most intricate designs in nature to the most sublime achievements of man, the ratio manfests itself. It lies in the air vortex of a bird’s wing, the sensuous curves of a Stradivarius Violin, the structural design of the Great Pyramids, and the double helix that houses our very DNA. It is about form, fit, and functionality. It is about the beauty of everybody and everything. We meticulously hand crafted every Proportionofblu creation “in the ratio” just for you.

I think the jeans look fantastic and the fit is right up there with the big names. Proportionofblu focuses on clean, dark washes, with little to no destruction. recently received shipments for womens but mens have not arrived yet. Here are some pictures of the jeans

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